Below is the List of Openers I have that start from I - L

Below is openers that I have in cast ironsome have pictures linked

Example :Ind Coope  is written on oneside & Skol is written on the other

Type C 84mm   Idris / same
Type C 86mm   Idris/ same
Type A 90mm   Idris  / Idris
Type D  90mm  Ilsworth Ales  /  same
Type A 83mm   Imperial / Cork Seal
Type A 81mm   Imperial / Cork Seal  (different sized writing)
Type G 91mm   Imperial Ale / same
Type B 75mm   IndCoope / Blank
Type C 87mm   IndCoope / Skol
Type C2 94mm  Ind Coope & Cos / Red Label Brand
Type C 88mm   IndCoopes / Double Diamond
Type C 87mm   Inmans  /  Ginger Ale
Type C 87mm   Inmans  /  Grape Fruit
Type C 86mm   IndCoopes / Double Diamond   (nickel plated)
Type C 99mm   Innes  /  For Quality
Type B 93mm   Innesfor  /   Quality
Type E 78mm   Innes  /  for Quality
Type D 80mm   India/ Akes  (not ales)
Type F 82mm   India    /   Bhagat & Co.
Type C 103mm   India /  Style  (crown on tail end, very unusual)
Type D 90mm  Interlait  /  Le Bon Lait
Type B 80mm   Invicta/ same
Type B 86mm   Invicta/ same
Type C 85mm   IrishCrown  /  Cork Co. Ltd.
Type C 97mm   Ironbridge  /  blank  (head is shaped like a bridge)
Type E 90mm   Ironbridge 3784 / Antique Centre
Type A 89mm  Isleworth Ales  /  same

Type E 91mm   x J & B x / Table Waters
Type E 99mm   J.Mills& Sons Ltd   /   Mineral Waters
Type G 91mm   J.R.Oswald  /  Eaglehawk (Pt. On Eaglehawk side)
Type G 91mm   J.R.Oswald  /  Eaglehawk  (Rd. on J.R. Oswald side)
Type G 91mm   -Jacobs- / -Lager-
Type C 129mm JamaicaPale Dry Ginger Ale  /  John Graf Co
Type C 129mm Jamaica Pale DryGinger Ale  /  John Graf Co   (LH /RH)
Type C 133mm Jamaica Pale DryGinger Ale  /  John Graf Co (also wider handle)
Type A 85mm   Japanese writing  / Japanese writing  ??????
Type E 90mm   Jeffreys Beer / same
Type G 91mm   Jeffreys Bros.  /  Casterton
Type A 85mm   Jewsbury / & Brown
Type B 85mm   Jewsbury  /  & Brown
Type C 90mm   8 Jewsbury 8 / & Brown.
Type C 91mm   Jewsbury &  /  Brown (different sized panels either side)
Type E 91mm   8 Jewsbury 8 / & Brown. (wider head)
Type E 91mm   8 Jewsbury 8 / & Brown. (normal head)
Type E  76mm  Jewbury  /  & Brown
Type G 91mm   JohnCourage / Barclay Stout
Type G 91mm   JohnCourage / SAME
Type G 91mm   JohnCourage / Take Courage
Type D2 90mm   John Reid & Co  /  - Auckland -
Type C 93mm   JohnSmiths / Magnet Ales
Type D 86mm   JohnSmiths / Magnet Ales
Type G 91mm   JohnSmiths / Magnet Ales
Type C 86mm   JohnSmiths / Magnet Ales   (crown shaped head)
Type D 87mm   JohnSmiths / Magnet Ales   (different writing to above)
Type E  90mm  JohnSmith's  /  Magnet Ales
Type A  91mm  JohnW. Hole  /  Coventry
Type C 114mm   JuliusFeckt Inc  / blank     (Axe type opener, axe on tail end.)

Type E 90mm   Kapatanh  /  Nepa  (Greek writing)
Type B 92mm   KatoBeers  /  Blank   (from USA)
Type E 90mm   Kents Best / - Opener -
Type C2 85mm Kentdale / - Lager -   (Richmond Brewery)
Type C 86mm   KeoBeer  /  Same
Type C 85mm   King & Barnes Ltd  /  same
Type B 84mm   Kingsbury  /  Blank
Type D 84mm  Kin Ma /  same
Type D 83mm   Kirby,s  /  Ipswich
Type A 75mm   KirinBeer /  Japanese writing
Type A 78mm   KirinBeer  /  Japanese writing
Type A 82mm  Kirin Beer  /  blank  (has made in Japan around tongue and curved head)
Type C  109mm  KirinBeer  /  Kirin Lemon  (has coloured panels red, blue oneither side)
Type B  82mm  KnickerbokerJac Ruppert (from USA)
Type A 87mm   Knight/ Rubber Co. Ld.   (brass, & Pat. Applied for on tongue)
Type A 90mm   Knight/Rubber Co. Ld.  (brass & Pat. Applied for on tongue)
Type A 88mm   Kronenbrauerei  /  Luneburger
Type G 91mm   Kruger/ Eeklo  (Rd. number on Kruger side)
Type G 91mm   Kruger/ Eeklo (Rd. number on Eeklo side)
Type E 90mm   Kruger  /  Eeklo
Type A 74mm   Kupper  /  Beer

Type E 76mm   L.M.B. Co Ltd / Leicester
Type D2 88mm   LaMeuse / Bieres Fines
Type G 91mm   > Lacons <  /  same
Type C 90mm > Lacons <  /  same
Type E 88mm   Lacons/ same
Type C 77mm   Lacons/ same
Type C 90mm   Lacons/ same
Type A  93mm  Lacons  / same
Type A  90mm  Lacons  / same
Type H  91mm  Lactovita  /  same
Type E 90mm   LambBrewery  /  > Frome <
Type C 89mm   LambBrewery  /  Frome
Type E 98mm   Lamot  /   Lamot
Type E 98mm   LanesLtd Dunedin  /  same
Type G 91mm   > Lanes <  /  Bottled Sunshine
Type C 95mm   Lanes Ltd Dunedin / For Quality
Type E 75mm   Lants/  same
Type C 88mm  >Lants <  /  Coventry
Type A 92mm  Lant &Co  /  Coventry
Type G  91mm  - Lauwe -  /  Br. Demets
Type C2 83mm  Lawrence  /  Sydney
Type B 91mm   -Lawrence - / same
Type D2 90mm   - Lawrence - / Melbourne
Type C2 87mm   Lawrence / Melbourne
Type C2 85mm   Lawrence / Melbourne   (this one has bigger lettering than the others)
Type C2 85mm   Lawrence / Melbourne   (very tight close letters)
Type C2 84mm   Lawrence / Melbourne   (wide large letters)
Type A 80mm   Lawsons  /  Bottling
Type D 88mm   Le Lion  /  Tournai
Type C 92mm   Leisy's /  same
Type D 89mm   Leisy's /  same
Type B 79mm   Leneys  . Dover / Blank
Type A  76mm  Leneys Dover  /  Gold Top Ale
Type E 90mm   L.H.D.Milk  /  same (different shaped head)
Type E 90mm   L.H.D.Milk  /  same
Type F 77mm   L.H.D.Milk  /  same
Type R 93mm   LIFFSEEL PAT No 16112 / 34
Type R 93mm   LIFFSEEL PAT No 16112 / 34
Type G 91mm   Lindners  /  Soft Drinks
Type C2 85mm  Lion Ale  /  Lion Stout
Type G 91mm   > Lion Ale <  /  > Lion Ale <
Type C2  91mm  LionBeer  /  same
Type G 91mm   -LionAle - / Pilsener Lager    ( Rd on Lion Side)
Type G 91mm   -LionAle - / Pilsener Lager  ( Rd on Pilsener Lager side)
Type B  83mm  Lithia Beer  /  blank
Type E 91mm   Little Chelt / same
Type E 108mm   Livingstone M.W. Works / same
Type E 90mm   London Hilton  /  London Hilton
Type E 90mm   London/ Inn on the Park
Type F 91mm   LongChan A.W. Co. Ltd / 4. Depot Rd. Malacca
Type E 98mm   > Lowcock Ltd <  /  Middlesbrough
Type E   99mm   Lowe. Son & Cobbold  /  - Audit Ale -
Type C2 85mm   Loy/ Bros   (unusual shape, has codd / bottle & internal thread opener all in 1)
Type G 91mm   LoyBros  /  Melbourne   (Rd numbers on Loy Bros side)
Type G 91mm   LoyBros  /  Melbourne   (Rd numbers on Melbourne side)
Type A  89mm  Luneburger  /  Kronenbrauerei
Type E 90mm   Luptons / Ale & Stout
Type F 77mm   Lupton  /  same
Type F 92mm   Lyles Lemonade  /  same